The Tales of The Aurora Pt. 01
Prologue In the mid-24th-century, scientists throughout the galaxy were trying to find a way to rapidly produce food for the fast population of the galaxy. In the year 2341 scientists at Agro-Genetics, an Earth-based company; has created Mutagen-241. Mutagen-241 is a plant virus that attacks the cell structure at the DNA level. The outcome was that no matter where they are on any planet and could grow and thrive in any environment on any planet. As long as the crops have received the bare minimum of nutrition, water, and sunlight the crops will thrive and the population is fed. Once Mutagen-241 or "Miracle Grow" as the population called it, was released to all planets that were in the United Federation of Systems. In less than 30 years galaxies' wide hunger was all but eliminated. By the beginning of the 25th-century Miracle Grow was in every crop, in every plant in the galaxy. Mutagen-241 attacks plant DNA and alters it to have a perfect DNA structure with no impuritie...