A Mysterious Stranger Ch. 02

You glance at your phone on the desk, another message from the anonymous number. It's been over two weeks, you were starting to think you'd imagined it all...

Another hotel name and room number. You feel your skin flush, your pulse racing with excitement.

You got away with it the first time... do you risk a second encounter?

Your feet take you there almost on their own accord, your subconscious will caving to his demand... You're more confident this time as you enter the hotel lobby and make your way to the lift.

Room 213.

Like last time, the door is slightly ajar and the room in darkness. You take a deep breath, wondering what he has planned for you this time.

You push the door open slowly and look around, making more of an effort this time to try and look for clues of his identity. There's nothing unusual or out of place, just an envelope waiting at the bottom of the bed.

You recognise the neat handwriting from last time and breath in the same faint aftershave. The scent makes you tremble a little as you think about last time... his hands on your skin... his lips on your neck... the taste of him...

You roll your shoulders and try to clear your head. Inside the envelope are another set of instructions;

'Sit on the edge of the bed. Naked. Eyes closed. Safe word = Amber'

You shiver a little with fear. Last time it was just unbuttoning your blouse, this is a big leap out of your comfort zone. No one- except your husband- has seen you naked for a long time.

You let out a long breath as you start to unbutton your blouse... you slip everything off before you can change your mind and sit on the edge of the bed.

You close your eyes and try to slow your racing heart and relax... but you're sitting stiffly, your back as straight as a rod.

You feel exposed.


Then you notice the scent of his aftershave as he comes close. You stiffen even more as he stands in front of you and covers your eyes with the same silken material as before. You feel yourself blush as you imagine his eyes raking over you, taking in all the parts of you that you usually hide away.

You bite your lip, trying to stifle a sob as you sit there... waiting... not knowing what's going to happen.

You freeze as he sits next to you, the bed dipping with his weight.

"Come here," his deep voice purrs, "I want you over my lap."

You aren't sure what he means and you can't see what you're doing, but he grabs your wrist and tugs you in his direction until you're led across his lap.

You're unnerved to find that he's clothed, making your nakedness even more obvious.

Suddenly, his strong hands are on you... one on your back and one on the back of your thigh. He runs his hand up and down your back slowly while the other kneads the cheeks of your ass.

You want to feel fear, but you find yourself aroused by his touch. You should be disgusted by your wanton behaviour...

But you're not.

He repositions you slightly, raising your bum a little higher.

"Open your legs..."

You feel yourself respond to the firm command, opening your legs for him.

"Good girl..."

Despite yourself you find yourself smiling at his praise.

He keeps one hand firmly on your back, holding you in place, the other gently stroking your ass. You start to tense, panicking about what he could do to you in this vulnerable position.

"Do you remember the safe word?"

You choke out a quiet 'yes'.

"Good girl. Use the safe word and I'll stop, understand?"

You manage another 'yes' as you wonder why you would need a safe word...

His firm hand coming down on the cheek of your ass answers your question. It isn't too hard, but hard enough for you to let out a gasp. He gently strokes the sting away before bringing his hand down again.

You try to relax, focussing on his firm thighs beneath you as he brings down his hand for a third time.

Six smacks you receive on alternating cheeks, each time he rubs the sting away with his firm hand.

You gasp as he slips his fingers between your legs, slowly tracing over your wetness before slipping out... another smack landing on your tingling ass cheek.

This one was harder... firmer... you're torn between the growing pain and the brief moment of pleasure he allowed you to have. You cry out at the next smack.

You receive another six smacks, some on your cheeks, some at the point where your cheeks meet your thighs.

Again, he slips his fingers between your legs... slowly circling your slick entrance. You moan, trembling a little at his touch. He rewards you with two fingers inside you, stroking you gently- enough to keep you aroused, but not enough to make you cum.

"Remember the safe word?" His deep sensual voice makes you squirm against him, as you whisper another 'yes'.

The next smack hurts. Your ass feels hot, the pain burning into your skin... but your teased pussy aches... your clit swollen and tender.

You cry out louder at the next one, his firm strokes in between smacks are doing little now to soothe the pain.

At his third smack you feel tears burn in your eyes, but you're so turned on you don't want him to stop.

You trust him... this complete stranger... somehow you know he isn't going to hurt you... somehow you know he's doing this for you...training you to obey

His fourth smack is almost unbearable and a sob breaks loose. You ask him to stop, but you know he won't... that's not the safe word...

Two more hard smacks in quick succession leave you trembling, tears soaking into the fabric covering your eyes. But before you can use the safe word his fingers are back inside you, thrusting hard as if he knows how close you are to release.

With two fingers working in and out of your sopping pussy, he flicks at your clit with a third. You cry out, your ass hot and burning, but your pussy soaked, your orgasm building by the second.

"Please..." you whimper and he thrusts his fingers inside hard and deep. You've never been treated like this... your body responding to him in ways you never thought possible as you clench around his fingers, your own moisture trickling down your thighs.

Your whole body is trembling and sensitive but you feel his hand stroking your back again, waiting for your body to calm.

Carefully he helps you to sit next to him again, your knees are weak after the force of your orgasm. You suck in a breath at the pain as you sit down.

He warm breath grazes your cheek as he leans in towards you,

"Stay there, don't move until you've counted to 50..."

He places a gentle kiss on your cheek and stands quickly.

"Wait, who are you?" You gasp, but it's too late. You lift the blindfold from your eyes.

He's already gone."












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