The Tales of The Aurora Pt. 01


In the mid-24th-century, scientists throughout the galaxy were trying to find a way to rapidly produce food for the fast population of the galaxy. In the year 2341 scientists at Agro-Genetics, an Earth-based company; has created Mutagen-241. Mutagen-241 is a plant virus that attacks the cell structure at the DNA level. The outcome was that no matter where they are on any planet and could grow and thrive in any environment on any planet. As long as the crops have received the bare minimum of nutrition, water, and sunlight the crops will thrive and the population is fed. Once Mutagen-241 or "Miracle Grow" as the population called it, was released to all planets that were in the United Federation of Systems. In less than 30 years galaxies' wide hunger was all but eliminated. By the beginning of the 25th-century Miracle Grow was in every crop, in every plant in the galaxy.

Mutagen-241 attacks plant DNA and alters it to have a perfect DNA structure with no impurities or defects; which leads to stronger, more robust plants that can grow anywhere, grow faster, and produce higher yields. By 2410 every crop plant was altered by Mutagen-241, and everything that people eat was laced with it. Unfortunately what the Agro scientist didn't foresee was that Mutagen-241 was slowly altering the DNA structure of humans which leads to the decline of the male birth rate. The mutagen was affecting the baby's development to have no defective chromosome structure which means the pair that decided to be female "XX" or Male" XY' would lead it to be mostly "XX" female.

Once the Federation realized what was happening and what it meant for the human race they sprang into action. They started by outlawing the production, and research of anything that involves mutating or altering DNA of any kind. The next thing that they did was create the Galaxy Fertility Commission or the 'GFC'; whose sole mandate was the propagation of the human race. In the year 2469, GFC's first act passed was the Grand Insemination Act; where all adult males impregnate as many females as possible to help increase the male births for the future for their next initiative, 'Aphrodite'. Named after the Greek goddess of Fertility; the initiative was to systematically impregnate with specific pairs of male and female partners to induce selective natural mutation to where the male to female birth ratio would be balanced.

Having the foresight of the importance of the remaining male population where their semen will be more precise than liquid gold. So in the year 2475, the Federation under the recommendation of the GFC was to house the dwindling male population, into state-of-the-art GFC facilities throughout the galaxy to where they would care for and monitor for their health and safety until they reached the age of 18 where they would enter into the Eros Candidate program. The men were given the designation Eros, the male son of Aphrodite, and were revered as heroes and saviors of humanity. Their sole job is to populate the human race by impregnating women in the galaxy and help turn the tide of the birth ratio because without men the next generation wouldn't be born.

Chapter 1

200 Years Later...

Aurora Crew

"LETA how our course looks."

"Everything is on course and on time captain." replied the ship onboard the A.I. system, "We are passing the halfway point of our journey to Alexandrea System and should be arriving in 12 weeks if we keep our present course and speed."

"Good let me know if anything changes on my ship" replied the captain of the United Federation of Systems ship, 'The Aurora', Elizabeth Lane. Elizabeth or Liz to her closest friends was considered angelic beauty. At 25 years of age, standing at 5'7 having long flowing deep crimson red hair that fits her angelic face. Taking great pride in her body keeping it nice and fit but still accentuating her feminine curves, with a nice firm bubble butt, and paired well with her very prominent 36DD breasts. Sitting on her Captain chair bored out of her mind trying to fill in the hours of the day wishing she can speed up time so she can get to her destination faster. The U.F.S. Aurora is a new class 3 transport ship under the control of the Rocinante Transport Company or what they are normally called RTC. One of RTC's biggest and oldest contractors is the Galaxy Fertility Commission where they are tasked to transport stasis pods that housed all the Eros male Candidates that are needed to impregnate women with their precious baby batter across the galaxy.

"Still trying to find something to do, Liz," said the ship's Security and Weapons Officer, and Executive officer Sasha Monroe. "Ya still a long way to go until we get there," Elizabeth replied looking at Sasha, her long-time best friend. Sasha was an intimidating woman even though they grew up together, standing at 5 '11 short dark hair, with rich dark skin color, with a modest 32C cup chest, and muscles for the day. The best way Elizabeth can describe her best friend and second in command is that she resembles an Amazon warrior from Greek history. With her fierce warrior's body and no-nonsense attitude; she was ready to take on any problem and any foe that was in her way. "Well, that's what we get for signing up for the longest run the company had, at least the pay is almost double than our usual rate, and don't forget the beaches." Shasa stated.

"I know the extra money is good and Alexandrea at least what I was told has some of the most beautiful beaches in all the Federation." Elizabeth shot back. "Speaking of destination; LETA how's our cargo doing". " All 100 GFC stasis pods are all operational and functioning normally Captain," LETA replied. "Good to know LETA, run a diagnostic scan on them, the last thing we wanted is to have our cargo spoiling on us," Elizabeth said while getting up from her captains' chair, gesturing to Sasha. "Come on, it's almost dinnertime, let's see what Ava has in store for us."

Arriving at the mess hall with Sasha in tow, Elizabeth realized they were not the first ones there. Besides Ava Kinley, the ship's cook, there was also Grace Sato, the ship's software specialist and the person to turn to if their ship's A.I. LETA goes on the fritz. While Elizabeth has long flowing Crimson red hair Ava had more curly strawberry red hair, in homage to her Irish heritage. With pale almost like creamy white skin marked with cute little freckles on her face with nice soft kissable lips. Just a year younger, standing at 5'6 with long slender legs and a nice petite frame with firm 32B cups breasts. A body you just want to pick up and have her wrap her legs around you. Despite her beauty, she is what most people would call an airhead who always seems to have something going on in her mind. That is probably why she is the ship's cook. Her only job is to make sure all her shipmates are receiving all their nutrition and dietary needs especially for the long haul they are doing right now. While it is an important job it is not mission-critical unlike ship Doctor or Ship Engineer. Still, she has a bubbling personality that makes everyone smile around her, food doesn't taste that great but it's better than RTC standard food rations.

Turning her attention back to the crewmate's table sat Grace Sato. Now, Grace would be considered an exotic beauty. Having oriental features standing at 5'4 Grace's skin is just as pale or even more so than Ava's, but unlike Ava's, Grace's skin has no blemishes of any kind. Just like Ava, she also has a petite slender body with long legs but can't tell her bust size. Grace also has long straight black raven hair. It almost seems to reach just to the top of her perfect ass. Grace always seems to be cold because she seems to be wearing baggy sweaters all the time. Grace is a very shy person who always kept to herself only seeming to talk to Ava. It seems they are friends and if the ship records were correct they trained together at the RTC training facility where they were first recruited.

"Dinner is ready, we are just waiting on the others," Ava said to everyone on the crew table. Just as she finished the door to the mess hall slid open and strolled in was the youngest and smallest of the crewmember, Emma Donavin the ship's engineer. If anything breaks on the ship, call Emma to fix it. Emma was a tiny woman standing 4'10 and weighing just under 100 lbs, with a small 32A cup breast size. She was just tiny in a very cute way. She had an impish face with long curly blonde hair which at the moment were tied in two ponytails which just accentuates her young teenage-like appearance, despite her age at being 20 years old; Emma was a certified genius. Seeming to graduate college and technical school and at 18 with masters in Robotics and Ship Engines design. She can disassemble and reassemble almost anything on the ship. After graduating, RTC recruited her right out of school and put her on the fast track for the RTC R&D division for their new line of space ships. The only reason why she is on the ship is that she needs experience working on an actual ship so she can better understand and make improvements in the new line of RTC space ships. Wearing her usual dirty workman overall cover in grease and grime with a pair of round welders goggles perched on the top of her head showing she was hard at work doing something to keep the ship running smoothly.

"What are we having for dinner," Emma said while sitting down.

" We are having Beef Stroganoff, and no food for you until you wash your hands" Ava gestured to Emma. "Fine," Emma said grudgingly and got up to the sink and proceeded to wash her hand of all the dirt and grime from her tiny little hands. "Good that's much better, now where is our ship's doctor," Ava said in wonder. "I don't know, the Ice Queen was still in her office when I passed by it," Emma stated once getting back to her seat.

The 'Ice Queen' Emma has stated is the ship's medical doctor, Dr. Aletta Blake, or 'Dr. Blake' as she wants to be called on the ship. At 30 years old she is the oldest of among the crew and just emits an ere of professionality around her. Always straightforward, no-nonsense, no socializing of any kind. The only time the crew ever sees her is either in her office for checkups/emergencies or in the mess hall for mealtime due to Ava's rule that the crew should always eat together at least once. "I'm right here Little Imp," Aletta said as she walked in startling everyone. "Stop calling me that!" Emma yelled back. "Well then stop calling me Ice Queen and I'll stop calling you Little Imp," Aletta fired back with an annoyed look on her face.

Despite Dr. Aletta Blake's chilling attitude and natural expression, she sometimes seems like she would rather be anywhere but here. Aletta is a stunning woman, standing at a solid 5'8, but right now standing at 5'11 because of the sexy professional black 3' high heels. With her, in heels, it brings out the curves of her legs especially in the case in dark color pantyhose. Aletta is the only person the crew knows who still wears pantyhose and high heels especially on a starship, and when they asked her about it she just said 'Because no one else is doing it and it presents authority when I pair them with my heels.' and authority is what she emits when she walks into any room. Following up her legs leads is only considered a full-body woman with a true hourglass figure big round firm ass which leads towards a nice narrow waist and leads towards tit that rival Elizabeth own are 34FF cups. All of that being encased in her doctor's lab coat. With her lightly curled full brown hair and horn-rim glasses which we only use while reading files that fit her face perfectly with her big plump very kissable lips.

Once Dr. Blake and Emma stopped throwing jabs at each other, they sat down and everyone waited for Ava. She served up dinner and they all ate dinner in peace with a lite conversation among themselves. Once everyone had finished eating, Captain Lane started to address the crew. "Okay everyone just so everyone knows we are just past the halfway point on our journey and we are still 12 weeks out according to LETA navigational sensors. Is there anything to report on the ship or its cargo?" Elizabeth asked while looking around the table. When no one spoke up she turned towards Grace trying to talk to the shy girl, "How's LETA and the stasis pods doing, Grace?" Elizabeth asked.

"LETA is running at 95 percent efficiently with some minor error but they are not in non-critical systems, as for stasis pods LETA reported back and said the diagnostics you order are underway and should have a full report by tomorrow morning, but experience says failure from the pods are an extreme rarity. Right Emma?" Grace said, gesturing to Emma trying to shift the attention away from her.

"Ya, those pods have too many redundant systems built into them, it's just ridiculous. It's such a shame though I would love to take one of those things apart just to see them tick, unfortunately, they are GFC proprietary and we do not have the authorization to work on or even touch those things." Emma explained to the rest of the crew.

"Alright well if that's all?" Elizabeth asked, taking one last look around the table, "Well if everyone knows their night shift schedule, then everyone is dismissed" She said and everyone filed out of the room.

"So 12 more weeks to go, should be fun," Sasha said sarcastically. "Ya, I know no adventure is a good thing, but what I wouldn't do for some action, or something just to pass the time," Elizabeth replied with an exasperated sigh.

"Who knows maybe you get your wish and something on the ship breaks down, or we run into a rogue asteroid field, or maybe we run into a dreaded pirate ship trying to steal all that creamy frozen sperm we have locked up in storage." Sasha rambled on trying to get a rise out of her best friend. "Well, whatever happens after 6 months of space travel I can't wait for sun, sand, and surf." Elizabeth said "Ya 12 weeks left and Alexandrea Beaches here we come" Sasha thrown out in an excited glee she only shows this side of her to her best friend.

Late at night on the bridge of the ship, Grace sat in front of her computer terminal working away on the LETA core system to pass the time. Everything was looking normal like every night on the Aurora until a red warning light sounded in front of the captain's terminal. Grace rushed to see what's going on and on the screen, a red banner popped up and LETA was saying what was on it,


Grace tries to see if she could fix the problem at her terminal but nothing seems to be working. She already contacted the captain and the ships' XO because of something this big she needed them so they were in the loop, plus the blame won't be solely on her since it has to happen on her watch. As soon as Captain Elizabeth and XO Sasha came rushing into the bride still putting on their ship's uniform a new warning appeared on the screen,


LETA blared out over the intercom

. "Reanimation Process!?" Elizabeth asked with some urgency. "I believe it's the fail-safe of the GFC pods to save the occupant," Grace replied, "We'll stop it!" Elizabeth shouted back. "I can't, I'm locked out of the system. It looks like the process has already started." Grace replied, gesturing towards the screen. "Then we need to get down there fast; Sasha contacts Emma and the doc and has them meet us at the cargo hold," Elizabeth ordered out; taking on her role as ship's captain.

Rushing from the bridge to the cargo hold didn't take that long since everyone was running full speed towards. When Elizabeth, Sasha, and Grace reach the cargo bay doors, they realize besides Dr. Blake, and Emma standing by the door; Ava was also standing there with them as well. Elizabeth prompted Sasha to open the cargo hold and as soon as it opened cold fog spilled into the corridor. Everyone filed into the room; no one was technically allowed into the room unless they were executive officers or given special permission, but given the nature of the situation exemptions were made. In the room lay in evenly spaced law 4 rows of 25 stasis pods all lay dormant with white screens indicating all systems were good, all except for one. Stasis Pod #43 was flashing red and warning signs were flashing on the interface screen, it read 'Reanimation Process 95 percent complete'. Emma and Grace approached the pod trying to see what to do but it all seems futile at this point. Elizabeth approaches them as well asked what does the screen say,


The pod opened up and the vapor was rushing out of it. Everyone was taking a few steps back as a big tall dark figure stepped out of it unsteady on its legs. As the figure turned in the crew's direction and appeared to be looking straight at the Aurora crew; looking to either attack or maybe just keel over. In a low deep voice, it spoke to them, "Where am I?" it spoke in long bated breath, and then the dark figure fell to the ground unconscious.

Chapter 2

Galaxy Fertility Commission stasis pod was designed to suspend metabolic function in its sleeping occupant. The technology was derived from early hibernation chambers for long-term space exploration back then when sub-light ion engines were in the theoretical stage. The purpose of it is to have the occupant sleep for long periods and while in the pods they do not age, only to wake up and only feel like a day has passed even though it's been years. With the Male population on the decline, GFC needed to find a way to transport the Eros candidates without compromising their fertility potential. Eros Fertility Potential (EFP) is a figure that states a male ability to impregnate female candidates. For males, their EFP is at its highest between the age of 18-35 and then starts declining. Since the galaxy is a vast place and the male supply is going down; to make GFC supplies last longer they create the GFC stasis pods to transport Eros candidates through the galaxy. Keeping the Eros Candidates into storage for weeks, months, or even years until their genetic makeup is needed to conceive the next generation. Since the importance of the Eros candidates, the GFC stasis pod was built to last and never fail, but nothing is ever a hundred percent foolproof.

Aurora Crew

On the auto dock, laid sprawled out was an Eros Candidate still unconscious after emerging from his stasis pod. Getting the unconscious body from the cargo hold to the Aurora Med Bay was no small feat, by the end of it, the crew placed him on a flatbed cart and pushed him to Med Bay. Then with the combined effort of Dr. Blake, Sasha, and Elizabeth, they manage to get his hulking body onto the auto dock bed scanner where Dr. Blake can run scans to see if anything was wrong with him. If they lose even one of the Eros Candidates then there will be serious ramifications for the whole crew. The only people in the room were Dr. Blake who was running a test on their unconscious newcomer, Elizabeth waiting for the test results, and Sasha standing in the corner ready to strike, just in case the unconscious man decides to wake up and go on a rampage. Despite Sasha Combat's training and experience, even she might not be enough to subdue him if it comes to that. Eros Candidate 2187, since no one knows his real name, was an impressive specimen. The only thing he was wearing was white knee-length underwear standing if he was at that moment towering at 6'4, and solid hard muscles not bulky but fit. Instead of Amazon warriors like Sasha, more like the male greek heroes of old, such as Hercules or Zeus. His face was more rugged with short dark hair and a light stubble forming on the lower part of his face. This was the first time any of the crewmembers has ever been in contact with an adult human male, and his appearance and physique were quite striking.r"


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